daf bit: Nazir 14

Apr 03, 2008 09:01

The mishna describes a case where a man vows twice to be a nazarite at times that overlap. How is this to be resolved -- does he serve consecutive terms, does he interrupt one for the other, or does one of them become void? If he says "I intend to be a nazarite now and a nazarite when I have a son", then if he has a son before the first nazarite term ends, he finishes that one first and then commences the second. If instead he reverses them and says "I intend to be a nazarite when I have a son, and to be a nazarite now", he begins serving as a nazarite ("now") and interrupts it when his son is born to serve the other. (13b-14a)
The gemara does not here spell it out, but it appears that it is the order of specifying the conditions that matters. Vows are not commutative.
Also, since interrupting one period of nazirut to serve another is complicated, one might reasonably draw this lesson: pay attention to due dates. :-)

daf bits

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