Embla went to the vet tonight for scheduled maintenance... err, her three-month checkup after being treated for hyperthyroidism. I won't have the test results for a few days, but my vet said she would be very surprised if things are not normal. The folks at RadioCat had said that it was possible Embla would need a second treatment, because her numbers were off the scale.
While on the drugs in June Embla weighed 7lbs 14oz. After being off the drugs for a week (test requirement) in August, she was down to 7lbs 1oz. RadioCat did not weigh her on treatment day, but it was probably comparable. Tonight she weighed 9 pounds (even). She hasn't weighed that much for three years! So that's a good sign. Her heart rate was 160, which is very good.
Embla was not, however, happy to be at the vet's:
I parse this as "but mom, I am not having fun here!". :-) (I don't know how to transliterate "whiny tone", so you'll have to use your imagination.)