Our friend Alaric recently turned 40, so he decided to celebrate
by inviting bunches of people to his house for the weekend to play
games. Hence, my dubbing of the event "Alaric-con". :-) (It's
11:30PM Sunday; Dani is still there.) It was fun.
For a birthday present we bought him
Rum and Pirates,
ralphmelton introduced us to last Sunday. We broke
that out yesterday and had a five-player game. Four of us ended with
scores of 52, 53, 54, and 55. Alas, the fifth scored somewhere around
75. None of the others had played before, but Char (who won) is
very fast at picking up tactics. He failed to say "Arrrr!" upon
winning, even though he had called for this earlier.
The concurrent game of
Caylus was
allegedly half an hour from finishing, so someone pulled out
Category 5,
a simple card game. This is almost certainly a much older game
with the serial numbers filed off, just like the Dilbert card game
is just the Great Dalmuti in disguise. Someone said this one goes
back to the 60s, but I don't remember more.
That was ok for a while, but we weren't that into it and Caylus
was taking longer than expected, so next we pulled out
I've written about this game before. It's still very neat.
(Is it true that it's mathematically impossible to place your
tile so as to run two other people into each other?
This was asserted, but I'm uncertain.)
After Caylus finished we shuffled people around. Dani
really wanted to play a "quick game of
Titan". He loves that
game but usually has trouble getting people to play it, because
it tends to be long -- "quick game" is sarcastic. So this time
he got players, and -- sure enough -- he and one other player
eliminated each other on turn #2! Quick game, yes, but not in
the way he intended. :-)
I don't dislike Titan, but I'm not enthusiastic about it either.
As armies expand it bogs down a lot unless people are very good
at memorization (even for your own stuff, let alone others').
In a different context someone summed this up well for me: I'm
not a big fan of games where I would do better if I kept written
notes. That's not what makes games fun for me. I can generally
track suits and the top cards in trick-based games like
Hearts, but that's about as far as I'm interested in going.
As long as I'm digressing: Titan is one of those games with a bunch
of different types of chits, which must all be taken out and stacked
around the board at the start (and sorted and put away at the end).
Most game manufacturers do not give you any help with this, so you
end up buying plastic trays (if you're lucky and can find them)
or bunches of tiny zipper bags. That's a hassle. Two games
that get this right: Rum and Pirates comes with a plastic tray
that is exactly suited for its pieces, including markers for each
slot so you know what chits go there, and the Euro-Rails family of
train games come with a plastic tray to hold the roughly two dozen
types of tokens (plastic disks). It probably costs as much as
an extra 50 cents for the game manufacturers to get that right;
I wish more of them went to the effort.
During the Titan game, meanwhile, I recruited people for one of
the crayon train games. Alaric owns
Lunar Rails,
but I thought that would be a little funky for people new to this
class of games (we had two newcomers), so we played
Iron Dragon
instead. The game went more slowly that normal, in part because
two people were learning it (and learning the map, and where goods
come from), and in part because one of the players was trying to
pay attention to other things at the same time. It was a fun game,
though. Everyone had met the connection requirement when I won
with 260, and one of the new players had about 225.
Dani, meanwhile, took the other early loser from Titan and a few
other people who had just showed up and started a game of
Talisman. I don't know
how that game went (they were in another room). The basic game
plays reasonably well in my opinion; I think each expansion set
weakened the game. After a couple of hours they declared a winner
rather than playing it out.
There were lots of other games going, and people were tracking them
on a whiteboard. (Just games played, not the details.) I hope
Alaric transcribes the complete list and shares it.
Today we went back and found Alaric setting up
La Citta,
which was new to all of us. This is a neat game, and I want to
play again. Players build cities on a map, initially by placing
centers and then by expanding to add farms (food), quarries (income),
and various special buildings. Some buildings (like marketplaces
and public baths) are required to grow beyond certain sizes; others
help you dominate in one or more of three areas: education, culture,
and health. During your turn you can take several actions -- like
adding tiles to your cities, but also increasing farm production,
adding population, and some other "meta-game-level" actions.
After players take their actions the secret "vox populi" cards
are revealed; these indicate which of those three areas the people
are enamored of this turn. People leave cities with fewer points
in those areas and emigrate to cities with more points, if they can.
If you end up with insufficient population to cover all your tiles,
you have to start removing buildings. One of my starting cities
was down to two tiles at the end of the game; the other had more than
a dozen people in it (and nine or ten tiles, I think).
During the game (too late, of course :-) ) I realized that sometimes
you want to limit immigration, by delaying building of the markets
and baths that support growth. Bad things happen if your farms
can't keep up with your population.
While I thought I was getting whumped, in the end we were all within
a few points of each other. I have ideas about what to do
differently next time.
I went home after that, but Dani stayed and was hoping to get people to
American Megafauna,
which he played at Origins last year. The idea (I haven't played yet)
is that it's 250 million years ago and you're playing an evolving
phylum. There are biomes with varying characteristics, and you have
chances to modify your species' DNA. Specialization helps you dominate
but makes you more susceptible to events like climate shifts; generalization
makes you more durable but less likely to win out in a tight race for
food. It sounds like an interesting game, but for another day.
I had fun, and when I left there was talk about when to do this again.
(I don't think we have any round-number birthdays coming up in the next
year, so people will need a different excuse.) They started Friday
around dinnertime (Dani went then; I didn't), and Alaric took tomorrow
off from work and said he didn't care how late things ran. He did get
some sleep, but I'm not sure how much. :-)