May 26, 2006 14:49
I'm reading torah tonight (unusual) and tomorrow morning (not unusual). Part of the latter package is giving a short d'var torah (torah commentary), so for the last few days I kicked some ideas around in my brain and last night I wrote a draft. (I'm still on my written-text kick rather than speaking from notes.)
This morning in the shower I made a structural change, jetisoning about a third of it. During the morning commute I composed the new part and figured out the transitions. I drive to work, so this was (obviously, I hope) a mental exercise. When I got to work I spent five minutes writing down the revisions.
For all that I seem to have the mental buffer space for this sort of exercise, and for all that I'm told this is unusual, I still sometimes marvel at my inability to remember less-complex information.
(I do sometimes think about getting a PDA so I can record things easily while not at my computer, though I note that that wouldn't have made a differnece in this particular case.)