Nov 09, 2004 12:21
Automated alternatives to humans in the service industry
have been around for a while. ATMs were probably the
first widespread case of this. The real value of ATMs
was the ability to interact with your bank at times when
the bank wouldn't otherwise be available. I think ATMs
are a real win for that reason, and the only time I visit
humans in my bank is when I want to make a deposit.
More recently, I've interacted with automation that is
designed to specifically replace humans rather than
broadening service. The automated check-out at grocery
stores is the big example here. Instead of one cashier
per line, stores now need one employee per 4 or so lines.
This isn't making things more convenient for customers;
unlike ATMs, the scanners are only available when the
store is open anyway.
There are practical reasons I tend to avoid the automated
checkouts, mostly related to speed. The line for the human
has to be about three times as long as the line for the
machine before the machine looks like a time-saver.
People may get more proficient at scanning and packing over
time, of course.
But I find that even absent that consideration, I'm
reluctant to use the machine. Doing so helps to
eliminate a low-end job that might be the only job
the job-holder is capable of doing. Most of the
cashiers I see at the grocery store aren't college-age
kids looking for spending money; they're middle-aged and sometimes visibly
This is not wholly a compassion-based argument; it's also one
of expedience. I think we as a society are better off if
almost everyone has a productive job. And some people are
only capable of the lower-end jobs that are most in danger
of being automated away. (Aside: for this reason, requirements
for high minimum wages are also a bad idea -- don't make it
cost-ineffective to hire people at prices they're willing
to work for!)
We cannot avoid automation, of course, and in many cases
it's a good thing. I'm no Luddite (she says, typing on her
computer :-) ). But I kind of wish that
we could focus it a little differently sometimes.
And yes, sometimes the humans are annoying to deal with.
Last night I lost close to ten minutes to an inept
cashier, and there is one (mentally challenged) bagger
who I will never again allow to touch my groceries
because he seems utterly bewildered by ideas like
"the bread goes on top" (multiple failures). People
who aren't capable of doing the job shouldn't hold the
job anyway just out of pity. (Giant Eagle was right
to fire the guy who was partially eating food and then
putting the package back on the shelf, and I don't care
that he didn't understand that this was wrong.) But
y'know, the machines aren't painless either -- just try to
get a scanning error fixed. And for
the most part, the people holding these jobs are quite
capable and willing to work, and I find I'm rooting
for the people over the machines.