Sep 04, 2004 23:28
Remember the interview meme? It's back.
The rules: You can ask me for a set of five questions;
you'll post the questions and your answers in your
journal along with an invitation like this one.
1. What, if any, fears do you have that you know are irrational, but are
afraid of anyway?
There is a broad category called "making a fool out of myself",
which manifests in public speaking, asking questions at talks,
playing role-playing games in some circumstances, and stuff like
that. While there is sometimes a rational basis for this,
it's not rational nearly as often as I think it is. Interestingly,
this only triggers for verbal communication, not written.
I'm also kind of afraid of unprotected heights -- planes are fine
but tall ladders are scary, and that sort of thing. But that
might be rational, at least partially.
2. If you could choose one person whose mind you could read whenever you
wanted, who would you pick?
Expedience would call for that to be Dani, my husband, but
I think there'd be some fascinating reading material in my
rabbi's brain.
3. What one thing in your life do you feel most guilty about?
There was a romantic situation that ended badly through no
actual fault or malice on anyone's part, but rather due to
unfortunate circumstances. Still, I feel I could have
handled it better, in a way that would result in the other
person being comfortable being around me now.
4. How much money would it take to make you give up your favorite food
Hmm. I wonder what my favorite food is. I gave up some
strong contenders when I started to keep kosher and that
didn't involve any money coming my way at all. On the
other hand, it would take a lot of money to get
me to give up cold liquid caffeine (Diet Coke et al),
so maybe that's it. Absent a health or halachic issue,
my gut feeling is that it would cost roughly my annual
salary less what I spend on purchasing it, because absence of caffeine would affect my ability
to do my job.
5. What do you think is your best physical attribute?
I suspect you mean "best" in the sense of "most attractive"
(rather than, say, "best-functioning"). That's kind of
hard for me to judge, as I really don't think much about
physical beauty. I think my eyes are pretty when not
hidden behind glasses, but I need the glasses so almost
no one ever sees that. (No, I can't wear contacts.)
questions: interview