Following is the meat of my response to the evaluation
form for the new siddur. The questionaire has several
ratings questions, demographics, short-answer questions
(they left space for a couple sentences per), and the
obligatory "any other comments?" invitation. I'm not
going to transcribe all the ratings questions, but I
will comment on a few.
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Doesn't surprise me at all. I remember back in college we had a mixed bag of the old GOPs, some of which opened one way, others the other. I think that some congregations liked the english-opening format, so nobody would be confused (except those who expect siddurim to open in the hebrew way).
They asked how many times a year we attend Shabbat services, counting Friday night and Saturday morning separately; options were: fewer than 10, 10-20, and more than 20. Umm... max possible is over 100; I thought they would set the scale differently.
Interesting. I would've given the following options:
fewer than 12, 12-24, more than 24. That way it breaks down into: less than once a month, between once and twice a month, more than that. I might have put in one category - 24-36 - but after one's going more than 3 times in a month, I don't know that there's a big difference.
I found your comments very interesting. I'm not going to use the new Reform prayer book on a weekly basis, but if they followed your suggestions I would probably pick up a copy for my home. I wonder what they will do... I know that some people like poetic readings, even if they aren't literal translations. (Or at least, prayer book publishers seem to think this is true!)
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