I'm working on typesetting and transliterating another Salamone Rossi piece for our SCA choir. I'm almost done with the music, and then I'll start on the text. I'm looking forward to singing this one. No, I'm not working from facsimiles; I wish I had copies of that. I have a modern edition that was published in France, and they transliterated the Hebrew in ways that undoubtedly make sense for French speakers, but (1) that set does not include me and (2) I have discovered errors in the transliterations (ones that have nothing to do with French vowels). So I'm redoing it, but the easiest way to do that is to typeset the music myself and then add lyrics. (Besides, the music typesetting in this book wouldn't cope easily with a couple more passes through a photocopier.)
It's funny: I'm using their transliteration to figure out what they probably meant, and then going back to the text (psalms, prayer book, etc) to get the actual Hebrew, and then transliterating that for the choir members who don't read Hebrew. Kind of round-about, but it works.
Saturday is (SCA) kingdom 12th night and it's nearby, so we'll be going (after I get home from Shabbat services). Sunday we are having a local 12th-night party, just down the road at CMU. The latter is free and pot-luck food, so tonight I made a couple of cheese/onion tarts to take because I don't want to deal with it late Saturday night. I want to bring something that can be served cold and that doesn't require me to provide non-disposable containers and utensils, so I don't have to deal with kashrut issues. So much as I would have otherwise made something more substantial (maybe even meat), I don't want to deal with trying to take my crock pot to keep something warm. Too much risk of contamination.
Saturday night
dagonell and Cigfran will be crashing with us. It'll be nice to see them again. They get to inaugurate the new version of the guest room.
The cable reception is much better with the fancy digital setup than with what we had before. We watched West Wing tonight (from tape, obviously) and the picture was crisp and clear -- best I've seen from a videotape on this TV so far. But I still don't think it's worth an extra $35 a month. We just don't watch that much TV.
The DVD is still AWOL. I sent half.com a polite letter of complaint today for their part in this; I wonder if I will get a reply.