daf bit: Bava Metzia 30-31

Oct 27, 2016 08:43

The talmud is discussing lost animals and the obligation to return them to their owners. A mishna teaches: if one finds an ass or a cow feeding by the way, that is not considered lost. But if one finds an ass with its trappings overturned or a cow running among the vineyards, those are lost and must be returned. If he returned it and it ran away again, and he returned it again and it ran away again, he must keep returning it, even four or five times. If his lost time is worth a sela (this is more than typical wages) he can't demand that price but is paid for his time as a common laborer. But if a beit din is present he can stipulate a wage in their presence. (30b)
Today's daf is 31, and contains the g'mara that expounds this mishna.

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