Feb 18, 2016 08:56
The mishna teaches: if a man is delirious from new wine from the vat (that
is, he's drunk) and he says "write a get for my wife", his words have no
effect. If he says "write a get for my wife", then becomes
delirious from wine, and says "no don't do it", they ignore him. (We don't
listen to his instructions when it's the wine that's talking, regardless
of whether he's asking for action or inaction.) If he is
struck dumb and they ask "shall we write a get for your wife?" and he nods
his head, they test him with three more questions. If he signals
the correct answers for all three, then they conclude that he is still of
sound mind and they write the get and deliver it for him. (67b)
By the way, the g'mara gives us the remedy for the wine-delirium:
red meat broiled on the coals and wine highly diluted.
daf bits