Aug 27, 2015 08:51
The torah teaches that one may become a nazir (Nazirite) by taking a
vow to do so, and during the time it applies he does not cut his hair, drink
wine, or come in contact with that which defiles. Our most famous nazir
was Shimshon (Samson), though in his case he didn't make that vow himself.
We begin a new tractate this week that's all about the nazir.
The mishna teaches: if a man says "I vow to be like Shimshon" (with some
additional language) he becomes a nazir like Shimshon. This is
different from one who vows to become a lifetime nazir. How so?
A life-nazir may thin his hair with a razor when it becomes
burdensome (and then bring animal offerings), and if he becomes ritually
impure he brings an offering. A nazir like Shimshon, however,
may not thin his hair, and if he becomes ritually impure he brings
no offering. The mishna then goes on to say that the default length of
a nazir vow, if not specified, is 30 days. (4a, 5a)
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