Part of the SEXCASUAL Round Robin legacy challenge! See the first generation over at
dothesmustle (
sexcasual tag)!
The very first thing that occurs when I put the SEXCASUALs onto a lot? Peter gets picked on.
Clearly, this Round Robin thing was just MEANT TO BE.
Everyone is beating up on Peter! This is an eventful two minutes after starting.
I notice it's also raining. Like tears from Peter's eyes ;_;
The sun comes back out when Jacqueline cries, though. What can I say? Weather just doesn't like her.
Holy cow, I'm beginning to think that this is all these Sims do. D: Are they broken?!
Rod Humble: Hi, Russell! Keep up the good work!
Russell: I /WILL/.
Peter: :<
Oh, holy heck. Look at that queue. I need to get these people some hobbies. Time to build them a house!
Jacqueline: Is he still crying?
Russell: He is. :|
Peter: whyyyyyy
Jacqueline: :D
They are taking serious delight in his pain.
I feel a little bad for him, actually. It'll be okay, Peter!
To celebrate their successful attempts at torment, Russell and Jacqueline play some football! Yay!
Oh. I guess Peter doesn't like football.
Peter: How many pigs died for your selfish games? HOW MANY PIGS, RUSSELL. (and jacqueline i guess)
Poor guy just wants a little retail therapy, I guess.
Well, I really feel sorry for him, so if it'll make him feel better...
He got some underwear! yaaay
He also got leered at by that guy! boooo
Peter: There's /something/ /on/ /your/ /shirt/.
Russell: NO. You lie! /Lie!/
Russell: How did he knowwww? How did he seeeee?
Leery Butterfly: Holy cow, I can't get enough of this stuff.
Jacqueline: Have a NICE. DAY.
Peter: I WON'T.
And lo! It was the worst day ever.
Oh, so those sandwiches on the ground just weren't good enough for you, were they? They had GRADE-A FAKE MEAT, you guys. You ought to be ashamed.
Wait, did someone end up serving a thing of TV dinners?! Those are single-serve only! My goodness, these sims are MAGIC!
Russell: Hey, guys! Does this make us /wizards/?! :D
No, Russell. It does not.
But it does mean that it really is a serving tray of TV dinners. Dang, this is cool.
By the way, everyone stinks.
Peter: If my eyeliner isn't the most expertly applied thing, I'll eat my hat. /And I don't own a hat./
Further evidence of that TV tray tomfoolery!
I guess that magical TV tray was just too much for Jacqueline's delicate sensibilities. It'll be okay, Jackie. (Can someone please get the smelling salts? She has the vapors!)