
Mar 26, 2013 02:12

Just realized I never posted about going to Escapade, and even though it's a bit late and I've forgotten many things, I feel I should signal-boost about this con's existence.

Escapade is a small slash con held annually in southern California in late Feb. I hadn't known about it before, so this was my 1st year going. There was a lot of oldschool Media Fandom in evidence (paper zine library!), but there was also plenty of discussion and interest in all the hot new shows and fandoms. I had a wonderful time, helped greatly by the fact that I went with cool people... and also met some very cool people! There were discussions (more roundtable than panel, which is nice), vids, good restaurants, and I also watched season 1 of Teen Wolf (yay?).

For a better rundown of everything than I can manage, I point people towards nikibee's great Escapade 2013 writeup!

Also: there is a possibility that franzeska will organize a bus that goes from the Bay area to the con next year!
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