Mar 31, 2005 23:57
So my Senior Rectial was today.. thanks a ton to those of you who came out, it meant a lot to me to see you there. :) It went quite well, and I am pleased with how I played (on the vast majority, anyway). It was a nice surprise to see how calm I was playing the Mendelssohn, even if I did shake pretty badly on the Kol Nidrei (but not nearly as bad as I did playing for Mr. Curtis/Julliard guy a few weeks ago). Apparently I made my mom, aunt, and Ryan's mom all cry - for my aunt, just walking on stage :). Going to dinner afterwards was fun- everyone turned to look at me (but then, I would've too- pink dress, hair and makeup all done up, walking with people in jeans and almost sweats ) :) Yes, I said pink dress (coral, salmon, etc)... you can blame that on my friend Dana who went dress shopping with me.
So.. I'm happy, it's over, it went well, and I still want to practice (quite shocking to me). And I only have two classes tomorrow, and my roommate and I are moving soon cause our landlord sucks, and finally, (most) all is right in the world.