*Geoff Rickly Urges Followers to Drop Cameras, Pick Up Rocks, Get Active
"There has been a domino effect: Political punk gets more accessible, accessible punk gets less political, punk becomes completely apolitical and irrelevant. The tiger has been declawed and we’re all wasting time in our twenties pretending not to care about anything but ourselves.
The intellectual one-upsmanship became a rhetorical nightmare; many young kids came to shows energized and ready to start making a change and left feeling drained and humiliated. In short, we liked to talk about the revolution more than we worked for it. "
This is probably the underlying reason why I like Thursday so much. Jack and I were talking about it last night. Musicians (the ones in our age group) from the Williamsport scene have nothing to sing about. No relevance whatsoever. It's all status and ridiculous hair-do's. Jack was saying it was possible to love the Ground Floor and hate the bands that came through it.
I went to that place, the Uptown Music Collective, for a month. And really, they talked a lot about precision, accuracy and perfection - but not a whole lot about music. But all of what I'm saying is fit more for a conversation. The article he wrote talks about that and more.