okay so its time for a REAL college update that i know uve all been waiting for...
first lemme post my contact information, cuz i dont think ive done that yet:
Bentley College
Casey Davies--box 1705
175 Forest Street
Waltham, MA 02452
if u send me mail i'll send u mail back! but lol keep that address for all 4 years cuz mine will never change. also, my phone number will never change. here is my phone number:
call me! its really expensive for me to call people but all u people with verizon and free nights and weekends and stuff, CALL ME! i wanna talk to mis amigos. :)
okay can i just say now that i LOVE college. whoever said that high school was the best 4 years of your life obviously never went to college. in boston. i definitely miss the 4 best friends in the world....kim kelsey steph ariane....but damn, college life rocks. I go to boston like every freakin weekend, i love being so close. ive done so much here at college that i never did back in high school, theres so much freedom. always having laptop access, being able to go to ur room between classes, being control of your own destiny, i love this independence. I am having a blast, and studying too. I GOT MY PICTURE TAKEN WITH THE WORLD SERIES TROPHY! I also got a catering job! and it will lik enever be mor ethan 2 days a week, but its 9 bucks an hour so it will pay for my T tokens and laundry basically and thats all i need. so yeah who knows when i'll be coming back to the basket...it may not be until thanksgiving, unless u guys really want me to come back and do the aisles...lol jared u miss me right? :) im also working with like my best friend here at bentley, CATHY! yayyy! cathy and i are hilarious together. ive also met this awesome asian kid wei, hehe pronounced WAY! and hes so cute, lol, like cute like a 5 year old. hes always smiling...not unlike someone i know ;). hes a yankee fan tho. boooo. and sarah from foxboro is awesomeee! and theres Diana from the D.R. whose crazzzzy. and jesse with the mad pool skills...i am getting sooo good at pool. im gonna kick all you MBer's asses when i get back. and of course theres kathryn from orientation, and janet who can drive so she took us to dinner, and ann marie and of course my roommate caitlin! we have very different schedules but im glad i dont have a sucky roommate. that would have, well, sucked. but yeah ive met tons of cool people, theres too many to mention on here, and there are good looking guys everywhere. unfortunately a lot of them are taken, a lot of freshies hooked up...weird. people take advantage of the free condoms from the RA's....and theres a lot of chris's here. we have names for all of them. condom chris. drunken chris, just to name a few...lol. but yeah bentley in general is like 60/40 guys/girls, but supposedly our class is 70/30! how great is that! that was apparent too when i went SALSA DANCING last night and there were actually more guys there than girls! and salsa dancing was a blast...its free and lasts the whole semester, im actually gonna get good at dancing! i know, youll believe that when u see it.
so yeah the social scene is great...u dont have to get drunk either...cuz all people have anyway is BUSCH LITE...seriousy cheap light beer is the national beer of colleges...i was at northeastern on saturday night and this guy was walking out with two 30 packs of busch light. ewww gross beer is just disgusting. also around northeastern there were a couple transvestite hookers....but thats another story....
besides the social scene of boston the most amazing city in the world, the academic scene is good here too...i like my profesors, and i have homework like all the time, but im getting it done and still enjoying my weekend...i dunno how it will be once my job starts, but im gonna juggle it all, i am so making the most out of my college experience! my cross-cultural understanding class is really cool, except everyone at bentley is SO FREAKIN WEALTHY except me...and everyone in that class has been to a bijillion other countries, except like me and sarah...and then the people here who had to leave their maids before...seriously coming from the middle class is like being poor here...oh well at least i am already in touch with the real world here. and i dont dress like im at a friggin country club. and i guess going to eastern tennessee is more cultural of an experience than ANYWEHRE in the world... ;)
lastly, bentley doesn't have a guest policy, or if they do, they dont inforce anything...lol...i can have guests like whenever i want and forever how long u want to stay, so please come visit! whenever u want, just tell me first, lol...my room is pretty big and u can crash here, whatev...but yeah i love and miss all of u! so VISIT ME! <3 <3
my cousin got married today, on a beach in san diego. she went to bentley a few years ago. see what going to bentley can do for you?
i <3 bentley, i think it was like the best decision i ever made, even if im thousands of dollars in debt...oh well senior year i can still have my catering job and i get a free meal plan. lol.
love and miss you all! please comment and lemme know how ur doing...oooh and if ur in or gonna be in boston...lemme know and ill meet up with u...im in boston like seriously all the time...i was randomly gonna hop on the shuttle tonight and go into harvard square, but then the shuttle didnt pick up any passengers...lol...i am in love with the spontinaeity of independence!!!
p.s. i had the greatest talk with molly...mollz i love ya!!! and im gonna help crusade for u, lol...
everyone learn the real deal with chronic fatigue...
http://www.boston.com/news/globe/health_science/articles/2005/09/05/biology_of_chronic_fatigue_gains_focus/?page=full xoxox, meee