Jan 17, 2004 23:24
So here's the first post in my new livejournal. Haven't really felt the need to write anything because nothing very eventful has happened that I've felt compelled to write about. But anyways, things with Calm Surrender (my band) have been going pretty well. We've been keepin busy playin shows and we have shirts made now that we're selling which is an exiciting thing. I've began to read again and I love it. It lets me go to another place, between the lines of the authors imaginations and their feelings and for even a moment I can leave my life behind. I think its amazing how some authors can so perfectly portray a picture or feeling, or take you anywhere your mind can imagine, but yet when the stories over its still only words on a page. I find myself overwhelmed by brilliance at the end of every line.
"Hold a book in your hand and you're a pilgrim at the gates of a new city." ~ Anne Michaels
Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels is quite possibly the most phenomenal book I've ever read.