Feb 13, 2008 03:17
i think i have lost all hope i ever had in gay men. i was on one of the famously trashy gay-spaces and realized that a guy can get attention and have horny boys drooling all over him if he shows a little muscle. people that know they are stupid and have been told they are hot so many times it is ingraved in their minds. but if they would take a second and look inside and find the inner stud, they wouldnt need someone's approval. yes, they may be attractive, and yes, they may be slightly humorous; but when their true self is put to test... do they really have anything stable to find grounding with? no, take the compliments and boost their ego, when inside they are still as childish and self-hating as a 14 year old emo girl. but still we praise these people. if i could wish for one thing it would be that a person is deeply challeneged at least once in their lives and get a reality check. cause what i experienced tonight was utter bull shit. that is all. ha