Jun 29, 2007 20:36
so im in the southern hemisphere. kind of feels like purgatory because ive been here for a week and havent moved in yet--we've been staying in a sweet ass hostel for the last three days which is great despite new zealand's refusal to heat or insulate their buildings.
and oh yeah, its winter.
but it can only get warmer.
its weird being here, because youre travelling around with a group of people that you dont know at all, but they are the people you do know in new zealand. everyone is cool, but its still all our impressions of people. theres no way to know until i have a closet and put all my shit away, settle in.
and yes, it really does look like the effing shire.
the first few days we went to this shire and frolicked with sheep and two exceptionally outdoorsy new zealand men who used forced exercise and rugby as both a reward and punishment. we did archery. we rock climbed. we ate five times a day.
breakfast (brekkie), morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner.
and strangest of all, we did a rogaine.
that means we ran up and down these insane steep hills and tried to find small map icons without falling in sheep shit or electrifying yourself on the fences.
(i did both.)
i miss you guys. i miss a lot. i miss tomatoes not being on EVERYTHING. i miss essentially free internet.
texting is huge here, though. you may text me for cheap. and if you call me, i get it for free.
my new zealand phone number is:
the first six digits are the country code, etc.
for those of you who can, go eat some delicious mexican food.