Jan 05, 2005 21:06
woot! i'm baby sitting right now, and it doesn't allow me to go on aim...this is annoying, but they do have cookie dough, so this is good.
So far this week has pretty much sucked. Yesterday, i couldnt sleep, because I've been stressing about a lot. I've been stressing about things that I shouldnt even worry about. Also, as of yesterday, I really wasnt prepared for the midnight run on friday, and this is my first one as the leader. Also, this weekend will blow. Friday night- hanging with homeless people, Saturday night- taking care of some kids, whose mom under pays me. The last time i went there, they have me 8 dollars an hour for 2 kids, and i went back, and told them that i get 9...but normally i get 10. But still...i actually went back to them and told them what i normally get. Is that rude? I dont know.
My mother is freaked that i wont get into college...she's proly right, but what ever.
bow chicca bow wow
today was ok. I got everything straightened out for the run, and thus hopefully i will sleep tonight. I've coped with the fact that my parents are crazy for this long...so i figure why not just cope with their insaness a little bit more.
We're getting our closet redone, and we foudn this bag of all of these pictures from when i was younger. My parents must have taken 100000000000000000000000000000 rolls of film on just me. Oh, the joys of being an only child. I was such a cute kid...what happened? seriously, i was soooo thin, and had wavy/straight blond hair, and was really pretty. I swear to god, when i moved to the qua, all of a sudden i became this like ugly beast. yucky!
ok, well because i cant go on aim, because theyre poop heads who have pop up blockers, i shall see whats on the television,
all for now,