today was one of those days where you wish you had a time machine.
cause it was one of the least productive days of my life.
anyways. the swim season ends with 11 wins and 1 loss(by 2 goddamn points). hell yeah.
and for some reason. when you bring together all the high school swim teams in one spot. theres bound to a hot guy heere or there. i found a few ;)
cant wait for districts. key west?
justine and steph
natalie and erica
what we do while everyone else warms up =)
haha. steph and natalie
justine me natalie john steph erica jason
everyone eating shit
the view from a bench
the pool
natalie erica allison
erica and allison
calvin and mr.webb =)
i love kellye
me and erica
me and allison
me and natalie...
..and natalie me and allison