Sep 29, 2009 00:53
I sent off my app to London Film School. I wrote my first ever personal statement, and wrote a script for a music video, along with storyboard [oh how I loathe making storyboards], an dI have to go online and pay, and I guess email admissions to tell them where my "portfolio" [or rather the few bits of shorts I have made] are posted. where should I post them? hmm.....will figure it out, I suppose just youtube.
I'm excited. I'm nervous. They may not accept me, but I am praying like nobody's business that they do. I am also applying to Westminster, and maybe Napier for screenwriting, but those are due a bit later. I just hope one of them accepts me, as this may be my only recourse. I have no idea what to do, as I cannot get a job, or even an interview to be honest, and I just...feel a bit lost.
I would LOVE to get my masters. I would love it. I would love the opportunity to be able to make my voice heard, via film. I would love to go back to London, to be in the UK, to be in Europe. I just want to be there and experience it again, only more fully, and to be given the opportunity to possibly work in a non-Hollywood movie system. =]
So.....any prayer, good thoughts or excellent chi sent my way would be UBER appreciated =] thanks muchly, kids =]