Twilight meme, snagged from a random mem comm.

Sep 05, 2008 11:14

Which book in the series is your favorite? Twilight
How long did it take you to read the books? not long
Who introduced you to the books? no-one
Did you buy them, borrow them, or have them given to you as a gift?  I bought them
Are you most looking forward to: Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, or the movie?  Midnight sun, but I don't know if thats going to happen now =(
What’s your dream ending to the series?  Bella and Edward find happiness and Jacob finally imprints on someone, JUST NOT BELLA AND EDWARDS DAUGHTER!!!

Who is your favorite character? Edward =D
Who’s your favorite vampire?  Edward
Who is your favorite werewolf?  Seth
What’s one of your favorite quotes from the stories? Duno, can't choose one right now
What was your favorite Bella and Edward moment?   The wedding =)
What was your favorite Bella and Jacob moment?   When she punched him, damn I wish it hurt him!
 How about your favorite Bella and Alice moment?   When they're in Italy. If they hadn't have been rescuing Edward from his suicide mission 
What was your favorite adventure/battle?  erm, the one in Breaking dawn, between all the cullens && the other vampires VS The Volturi
Which book cover was your favorite?  New Moon. I liked the reason Smeyer chose the cover for BD though
Are these books among your favorite books of all? yep!

This or That?

Twilight or New Moon? Twilight. Not enough Edward in New Moon
New Moon or Eclipse?  Eclipse
Eclipse or Twilight?  Twilight
Are you more excited about Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun?  Midnight Sun. I've already read BD
Midnight Sun or the Twilight Movie? ooh erm. I'm not sure!
The Twilight Movie or Breaking Dawn? The Movie
Who do you want to see Bella with most: Edward or Jacob? Edward

Who do you like more:

Bella or Edward?  Edward.
Bella or Jacob?     Bella I guess
Bella or Alice?        Alice
Alice or Edward?    They're both made of awesome
Alice or Jacob?       Alice
Rosalie or Alice?    Alice
Jasper or Alice?     Alice
Jasper or Edward? Edward
Carlisle or Esme?  Carlisle
Emmett or Jasper  Emmett
Emmett or Jacob?  Emmett
Bella or Rosalie?   Don't  like either of them, but Rosalie has a valid reason for being like she is, so Rosalie
Esme or Charlie?   Charlie
Charlie or Carlisle? Carlisle
Charlie or Billy?       Charlie
Jacob or Sam?        Jacob
Sam or Quil?            Quil
Quil or Embry?          Don't know
Who’s the better villain: James or Victoria? Victoria *shrugs* I'm not too bothered
Werewolves or Vampires?  VAMPIRES!

Movie Stuff:

How did you first find out about the movie? Erm, I think a friend found out. then told me
Are you excited?  Yeah
What do you think of the casting?  I'm not too bothered as long as they can act, and the movie stays true to the book
Are you going to go see it?  yeah
 Planning on going with anyone in particular?  no
 Do you think it will stay true to the book?  I hope so

Breaking Dawn Speculation: (I'm just gona put what happened)

Are you planning on buying this book as soon as it’s out?  I did yeah
Do you think Bella will be turned into a vampire finally?  She did
Do you think she and Edward will get married?  they did
Do you think Jacob might imprint in this book?  He did. ON EDWARDS DAUGHTER! *shakes head*
Who do you think Bella will end up with : Edward or Jacob?  she married Edward
Do you think it will be a happy, sad, or shocking ending?  I thought it was happy
Who do you think will be the villain(s) of the book this time?  It was the volturi
How would you feel about a possible vampire / werewolf cross?  I'm not bothered. As long as she don't turn into one. A werewolf I mean
Will Charlie find out Edward is a vampire?  aye he did
Will the vampires and werewolves continue the truce they had in Eclipse?  yeah
If anyone, who do you think will die in this book?  Irina died. Duno if there was anyone else
For a twist: what would you think if Edward was somehow turned human?  erm, ?!
Do you think Jacob will be over Bella by the end of the book?  yeah. He went for her daughter
What do you most want to happen in Breaking Dawn?  Edward to be happy! =D
What’s your dream ending? *shrugs* Edward is happy, soo I'm not really bothered. I mean I obvs don't want any of the Cullens to die

Fill in the blanks
Edward is A lion! nah, hes a very very cute vampire. Well Robert Pattison is quite cute
Carlisle is Dr Mcsparkly
The character I'm most like is Rosalie, but human.
The idea of the Twilight movie is Idk.
Jasper's old name was Jasper Whitlock .
In the end Bella will be A vampire.
The thing I hate about Edward is he's not real.
Alice is awesome.
When I see a silver volvo I immediately think 'Edward!'.
I think no-one will die in Breaking Dawn. EVERYBODY LIVES! he!

A Few Last Things...
In which book did you like Bella’s character best?
How about Edward’s? All of them. Apart from the bits in New Moon where he wasn't in it.
Jacob’s?  Eclipse?
Alice’s?  New Moon
If it were possible…who would you most want to meet in person? EDWARD! :D:D:D:D

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