Whoo hoo, it's my turn!! Ok, I dug up too much information on a Leo sun sign, so here's the rundown. There's a lot more to it, which I don't think really applys to me, but if you want to know more, you can take what Shannon said or go here:
http://www.astrologycom.com/leo.html But here's the basics. Kind of.
Positive Traits: generous, honest, warm-hearted, magnanimous, broad-minded, expansive, loving, proud, enthusiastic and creative with a flair for showmanship and drama
Negative Traits: pompous, patronising, bossy, interferring, dogmatic, intolerant, bullying, conceited, snobbish and power-mad
Likes: speculative ventures, lavish living, rich food, children, drama, pageantry and grandeur
Dislikes: doing anything safely, day-to-day living, small-minded people, penny-pinching and mean spiritedness
A lot of the dislikes I can agree with, except for the doing things safely bit. You all can fell free to tell me what negative traits I'm really like, because I don't think I'm any of them (of course =P). Some of the positive ones I can kind of agree with, but not 100%.
Moon: Scorpio
Ok, here's where things get interesting. There's going to be a lot of info on this one.
The Scorpio Moon is a mysterious Moon. This Moon is strongly motivated by feelings while remaining most adept at hiding true emotions. It is a Moon of great willpower and good judgment, but one which never forgets a good or bad deed. The Scorpio Moon is one of the more difficult Moons, often having to face and conquer more obstacles than the other Moons. It is prone to aggressive and dominating behavior in addition to being wilful and stubborn. The Scorpio Moon possesses strong beliefs which will likely be expressed in a passionate manner. This Moon is one of secrecy and personal independence coupled with heightened intuitive and psychic abilities. However, the Scorpio Moon can be jealous and distrustful, believing that the sharing of feelings leads to vulnerability.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Scorpio may be one which harbors a feeling of misunderstanding by others. Fighters by nature, those ruled by the Scorpio Moon are usually hot-tempered and stand alone in their battles. They fight with assurance and confidence. However, there is a tendency for such people to bring out in themselves the very things they are fighting against. Persons governed by the Moon in Scorpio will be full of energy with a tendency to express themselves in a rather blunt manner. While such individuals might declare they are "okay with change," it is a somewhat different story inside and they are actually quite conservative, resisting change...particuarly any change which is forced upon them. When such people do change their minds on an idea, they fully stand behind it and help to implement the change. In reality, Scorpio is probably one of the most misunderstood of the Zodiac signs and individuals who fall under the jurisdiction of its Moon are inclined to act out of irritation or anger. In short, these people like to get revenge. Others may perceive those ruled by the Scorpio Moon as lacking in a strong moral code, or that they drink too much, but the truth is, such individuals are truly possessed of a strong willpower and much determination. However, there is also a massive love of pleasure and those governed by this particular Moon will be quite familiar with the subject of pleasure. There is a strong attraction to the opposite sex...and vice versa. Those governed by the Scorpio Moon share many of the characteristics of those ruled by the Moon of Capricorn. Both subjects have boundless energy, a lack of control in certain life areas and oftentimes, trouble with the opposite sex. This could cause a great deal of strife throughout life and more than one marriage is highly likely. The Moon in Scorpio is also closely related to death and the occupation of an individual ruled in this manner might well be so related...policeman, fireman or soldier, for example. Passion and intensity will be paramount in any relationship which involves those who fall under the jursiction of the Scorpio Moon. There is also an ability to inspire others here, for such subjects will never shirk in the face of unpleasant situations and are perfectly capable of speaking up for the underdog. Individuals of the Scorpio Moon know no fear and will refuse to be put off by the views of society when it comes to choosing friends or partners. However, there is a distinct tendency to keep many emotions "under wraps" and others may be unaware of this individual's true feelings until he or she "lets rip" at the last straw. Time alone is very important for those ruled by the Moon in Scorpio...it is necessary in order to process feelings and come to terms with some of the injustices of the world. These are people with a strong moral conscience who, when hit by tragedy, will survive to return again...scarred, but ready to face life. The strong intuitive powers and psychic abilities of Scorpio Moon individuals enable them to see below the surface.
Scorpio Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides enhancement to the overall personality as well as an energetic nature
I agree with most of this, except for the drinking part, but I do that on purpose. =D I never thought of myself as mysterious and secretive or anything like that, but I've been told by people that the 'just can't figure me out' or they have trouble reading me or whatever.
My rising sign is Libra, and I'm sure we're all familiar with that sign, so I'm not going into it. The only really big thing I see in myself is I like to read. I'm not really big into the whole romantic stuff and crap... so yea...