[Fandom] Things I have to do!

Sep 21, 2012 07:34

I have a lot on my plate.

1) hp_darkfest. Due on the 16th of October, but I'm not too worried about it yet. I've got many words.

2) nextgenbigbang. My first big bang! It's not due until next year! XD And I have a cheerleader assigned to me! :D We've talked a little, and it looks like we'll get along great, so yaaay!

3) Finishing something non-fandom related.

4) I am a Municipal Liaison for NaNoWriMo this year! My region is brand new, and I'm co-MLing with a good friend, so yay! Should be fun! I'm already looking to do awesome write-ins and things. :D Also, now that I am an ML and totally more involved, NaNo totally counts as a fandom.

This entry was originally posted at http://celestineangel.dreamwidth.org/425299.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

harry potter, fandom, nextgenbigbang, nano, hp_darkfest

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