[Writing] OH HI.

Aug 19, 2012 12:07

Hello. This is a writing post.

So. TTTWNSW. Next year will be ten years I've been working on this stupid novel. >:( I've begun to wonder if it was never supposed to be a thing that would be finished, but only a tool to help me learn the craft of writing. Because I do feel like since I first started, I have learned so much about said craft, and what is means to really make a world and characters and then tie them all together in a way that makes sense and leads to discovery.

I think I have, however, possibly finally made the decision that needed to be made in order to make this thing really work. Doing so does not mean that suddenly all the problems are gone and I'll have a first draft next week. But what it does mean is that, hopefully, I can begin the process of weeding out the last of the extraneous stuff the plot no longer needs, and of building the actual, final plot. Which is something I've said often, I know. But I think it's really real this time.

Because that decision I mentioned cuts down on the plot complexity by removing an entire section of not only the plot, but the world, that was unnecessary, but that I refused to let go of because it was, originally, the entire purpose of writing the book.

I've decided to cut Kiernan completely.

Don't worry! Kiernan will have his own book, his time to shine. But it will be a completely separate book in a completely separate world, one that has nothing to do with TTTWNSW.

Doing this is best for both TTTWNSW, and Kiernan's story. This way, they can each florish, neither held back or otherwise restricted by the other.

Also, I need to work on Draka, but hell, at this point, I just need to do some sort of writing at all, to prove I still can. I'm beginning to wonder. Even though I did manage to write two fics for a recent fest.

This entry was originally posted at http://celestineangel.dreamwidth.org/423597.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

plot bunnies of evil, kiernan, that thing that will not stay written, writing

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