[Life] This week is fired. While I'm at it, I'm firing the whole year.

Aug 04, 2012 20:17


Long story I haven't been sharing here because of reasons. Reasons, I'm sure, everyone will agree I don't have to justify.

Mom has stage 2 cervical cancer. Officially diagnosed a couple of days ago.

I'm not freaking out until after the surgery happens. We'll see if there's anything to freak out about after that.

Even then, I suspect I'll be more freaking out for my own sake than hers. I'd always hoped he would die first, not her, and she wouldn't leave me alone with him before I was ready to be out on my own.

Fuck, I hate my shitty, shitty job, I hate cancer, and I hate my life.

This entry was originally posted at http://celestineangel.dreamwidth.org/421409.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

i hate my job, i hate everything, life

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