May 28, 2012 14:35

1) I need a "Must. Edit." icon.

2) Does editing count as writing? I think it does. So this is a writing post.

3) Love Scrivener more every day. Am editing "Compassion's Blade" with notes from two different sets of editors, and Scrivener allows me to add the files with their edits in under the Research part so all I have to do is move between files, and not programs. ILU, whoever thought up Scrivener.

4) Okay, whole point of this post:

Writing people, how do y'all feel about italics as thoughts? I've always used italics to denote the direct thoughts of the main POV character rather than narration. But I know this practice is either falling out of favor or already has. I dunno, to be there seems like narration and thoughts should be differentiated from each other in a third-person POV narration. If it was first-person, that would be one thing.

:/ Obviously, I am torn.

Now, time for something to drink. I manage to keep myself in a mild state of dehydration at all times, it seems, and I need to fix that. Water!

This entry was originally posted at http://celestineangel.dreamwidth.org/415854.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

compassion's blade, writing, editing hell

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