[Dream/Spirituality] Huh.

Apr 10, 2012 09:02

Okay, so... I dunno, weird dream at some point last night, not sure what it means. Well. Sort of? I don't know.

What I remember is being with a group of people who traveled to see a shaman. There was no discussion. We all knew who we were, where we were going and why. When we arrived at the shaman's, he didn't speak to any of us at first, just drew on our foreheads with some white substance.

I do remember him finally saying to me, "Destiny of Anubis," and there was more but I don't remember what.

Aaaand that's all I remember, period. It felt different from a normal dream, mostly in that... well, my dreams usually have more going on than that. XD

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spirituality, dreams

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