[Tarot] Tarot of the Silicon Dawn

Mar 19, 2012 19:16

Ooookay... so... well, these are just first impressions. I've only had my hands on these cards for like fifteen minutes. So as I work with them, these initial impressions could (hopefully) change.

I still adore the artwork, it's very lovely, but it's not going to be easy to interpret them intuitively, and, well, that's for another paragraph. The cards are also really small, and kind of flimsy. I feel like if I work too hard at shuffling them, I might end up bending them all to hell and back. Which is not good.

But the major thing is the book that comes with them. :/

The creator of these cards is really harsh. Really. They open up the book by telling the reader that modern Tarot is a mess. No, really. And, I get what they're saying. I actually do, because no, the cards as they are today are not the same as they were when they were first created, and their symbolism, meanings and uses have all changed. That's inevitable. The artist/author/creator, though, seems to be some sort of Tarot purist, thinking that this means that modern Tarot decks are useless. At one point, they say you might as well just throw the cards against a wall and try to interpret the pattern of their fall.


They talk about how the original decks didn't have imagery for the number cards of the minor arcana, how they were only the images of the suit, in the number of the card. And they seem to think that having actual imagery that conveys the meaning of the card is a bad thing, like Tarot for Dummies or something. They seem to say that everyone has their own interpretation of the cards, and thus the imagery, so it's all pointless.

So I guess going on to create one's own Tarot deck with one's own imagery was the only obvious solution. >.<

Then, the explanations of the cards are so... convoluted in language that it's like... okay, I don't know how to interpret these cards intuitively, and the book's explanations are kind of useless. Especially in the non-standard cards. (And there are four total Fool cards, if one counts the alternate major arcana cards.) (And there's one card with a giant glowing green fetus in space.)

There's just this heavy layer of cynicism about Tarot that's throughout the book that... turns me off. This might have been a waste of money, because without the initial guidance of the creator, I'm not sure I can ever read with these cards.

:/ I'll keep reading and keep looking through them and trying to get to know them but... damn. The attitude of the creator just has my hackles up.

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tarot of the silicon dawn, tarot

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