[Writing] Hmmm....

Feb 27, 2012 14:15

So I was thinking that, when "Compassion's Blade" is ready, I might offer several options.

For just the story, it'd be $2 or $3 (I haven't decided which yet).

But for $5, I could offer a file that has "Compassion's Blade" AND my two previously published stories, "The Kahbid-Dai" and "Once Upon a Time." Yes?

I checked out the possibility of selling through Amazon's self-publishing stuff, and I really, really do not like their terms of service. Basically, you hand over your file, and agree they can do anything at all they want with it, including changing the formatting and the content, and there's nothing you can do about it. Because you agreed to it.

Sooooo... no, I don't think so. I care about my work too much to do that to it.

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i want to sell things, writing

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