[Fandom] D:

Feb 06, 2012 16:50

Damn you, "These Walls Stand Silent"!! I still can't write a decent fic. >.<

Okay, well, my two fics for the Aurors Fest were decent, but only that. Neither of them are up to my usual standards, in my opinion.

At the End of the Day
A Day in the OEMU

Now, I just sent an email to the mods of hp_nextgen_fest to tell them I drop. That fic is not going to get written and betaed by February 21st. It's just not going to happen.

So, I think I'm going to take time off from fic writing and focus on original writing. HERE STARTS A FIC HIATUS. I'm thinking at least a year long. Yup. Sounds good to me.

Also, I've officially given hpchallengefest over to new mods. They'll probably be making an announcement post later today, so be watching for it. I had a lengthy discussion with both of them, and I am confident they will do well by my baby. :)

This entry was originally posted at http://celestineangel.dreamwidth.org/384743.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

hiatus, harry potter, fandom, hp_nextgen_fest

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