[Life] Blargh

Jan 03, 2012 09:49

Still sick. It's at least at the point where I don't actually feel bad anymore, but my throat still hurts a bit, and I'm still leaking out of my nose, but the post-nasal drainage is the worst part, because that's probably what's keeping my throat from completely settling down. And my ears are stuffy.

But other than that I feel fine. :D

Which is still not all better, because while I'm not aching or feverish or anything like that, throat hurtyness is enough to keep me from wanting to do anything productive, and there are productive-type things I need to be doing. Like there's the one part of the Aurors fest fic that the beta and I both agree needs some work on and it's due the 8th, so I really should get started on reworking that, but I just don't feel like it.

I would drink some milk, because milk coats my throat and makes it feel better for longer than cold water, except this time the milk is whole instead of 2% and I just don't like it. :(


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aurors fest, harry potter, fandom, icky sicky, life

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