[Fandom] Moar Buffy

Dec 24, 2011 08:52

Okay, about the season seven episode, "The Killer in Me" ...

Does anyone else find Kennedy utterly creepy and not romantic at all in this episode???

I mean, Willow has basically shown the world in an extremely dramatic way that she is not at all ready to let Tara go, or move on to another relationship. When Kennedy kisses her, she turns into the guy whom she killed because he killed Tara. Then she proceeds to get a gun and threaten Kennedy, because it's Kennedy's fault (not, but that's not the point here) that Willow "killed" Tara by letting her be dead.

And Kennedy's brilliant plan to break the spell is to kiss Willow again.

The worst part about it is that it's obviously supported by the writers and creator because it actually works.

But it is not romantic, actually, it is really, really creepy that Kennedy just can't seem to get it through her thick skull that Willow might not be ready, and just because Kennedy wants her, does not mean Kennedy can ignore Willow's past or pain to get her.

And the actress isn't talented enough to give the character any real depth.

In the hands of another actress, with writers who aren't supporting such behavior, this little subplot could have been interesting and handled well. As it is, it's like supporting sexual assault as a method of getting over grief, and it's terrible.

Basically, I do not like you, Kennedy.

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buffy the vampire slayer, fandom

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