Oct 31, 2008 08:40

Like the title says, HAPPY SAMHAIN/HALLOWEEN/WHATEVER! I wish I had somewhere to go to to dress up, or that work would let us dress up. I almost with my witch's hat was smaller so they might let me wear it. But it's this huge vinal thing with a floppy brim and chains. I loves it, so.

NaNoWriMo begins tomorrow. OH GODS. X.x I'm scared. BUT I SHALL PERSERVERE. 1,700 a day really isn't all that much. Really. It isn't. Especially if I'm just writing to write and if I can make myself not edit as I go. That will be the hardest part, I think, but also the part that if I can manage it, will help me in everything I write in the future. Not editing as I go = not caring too much about all the happy stylistic stuff before the editing stage.

Of course, I still have to get used to the idea of an editing stage. >.< SIGH.

NaNo, here I come!

nano, random, writing

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