[Writing] Another Update! Gasp!

Oct 25, 2008 05:25

Two updates in as many days! What's wrong with me??

All right, well, now that it's been decided The Desert Throne is getting a full re-write, I've started trying to organize my thought processes. I'm writing down my thoughts on which plots stay and which ones have to go to make room for the new ones, and in what order of precedence they are to the over all book. I'm even changing some very crucial things, such as Najwa's age and level of experience, Makan and Aure's backstory (and I might be changing Makan's name, too), Shemzai's involvement (Shemzai, formerly Kalorven, buh).

Beyond that, there's surprisingly little that will be changed. Most of the plots will survive intact (yes, that's right, I said plots, plural. I am incapable of writing a straightforward, single-plot novel), just the details about how they play out will change. So while the plots are the same, I still have to re-write the whole bloody thing. If I have time today, I may start that (though I should work on "The Savage Beast" ...).

Really, my priority list should go something like this:

1) "The Savage Beast, at least until November 1st.

2) Beginning November 1st, The Hakkan, throughout the month of November. NaNoWriMo, you scare me so.

3) If I did not finish "The Savage Beast" before NaNo, finish it after. Forget about the hopefully complete The Hakkan for a couple of months.

4) Assuming completion of "The Savage Beast," start re-writes on The Desert Throne (which, by the way, will also need a new title because the new focus requires a new title, damn it... I finally found a title I liked!).

5) Maybe in there work on some other stuff, too, like "Compassion's Blade," that thing that also needs a new title, the lesbian witch mystery thing, Fallen, Draka, W.A.R.S., you know, any of the million other projects you've begun.

That is all.

nano, the savage beast, makan, the desert throne, writing, the shadow throne, project list

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