[Kingdom Hearts] UGH. CHERNABOG.

Jul 10, 2011 21:31

Stupid Chernabog.

Anyways, that's my progress. I have officially completed Hollow Bastion on expert mode. WHOOT.

Now I'm in End of the World, obviously, and Chernabog is kicking my ass. Again. Took me forever to beat this guy first time around on normal. Sigh. BUT... if I can just get away from his Inferno attack before it kills me, I should be able to beat him. That's my problem with a lot of the bosses; I patiently strike and run right until they're like halfway down their last HP bar, and then get impatient and rush in and try to kill them all at once and end up getting myself killed instead.

I might have to do like I did for dragon!Maleficent. ^_^** I sort of... took a high perch the entire battle and let Beast and Goofy do most of the fighting. I deflected fireballs! Hmmm. I wonder if I can summon Tinkerbell in the Chernabog battle... I love Tink. She's one mighty useful pixie.

It's so weird to play this game, knowing "Ansem's" complicated history. I mean, at this point in the first play through, everyone takes him at his word when he says he's Ansem. Then you find out, nope, he's not really Ansem, he's really Ansem's apprentice, Xehanort! AND THEN you find out that Xehanort was an old guy ten years ago, and that the spirit is Xehanort, but the body he's traipsing around in is really Terra's.


Oh MAN. Like... okay, after KH2 I came out of it shipping Riku/Sora, I did, because... it's basically canon. I mean... all we need is Word of God, but even I will continue to ship it even if we never get it.

But after Birth by Sleep? I think I ship Terra/Aqua even HARDER, and mostly because it's so damn tragic. He gets possessed by an evil Keyblade Master, she gets exiled to the world of darkness. FUN TIMES, RIGHT?

But yeah. TOTALLY weird looking at Ansem and thinking "TERRAAAAAA!!! D: D: D:"

Okay, one more try at Chernabog, and then it's bedtime for me. Stupid work tomorrow.

kingdom hearts

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