[Random] BLARGH.

May 22, 2011 11:28

I keep thinking today is Tuesday, because that's usually my second day off. THIS IS WEIRD. Also, it's going to suck going back to work tomorrow, because I know it's been hella busy and I will be overwhelmed.

Also, Chamber of Secrets is on my TV, and I can't help but wonder if anyone's ever tried writing certain key scenes (or, OMGs, the whole HP series) from Snape's POV? I'd be extremely interested if it were done well, not trying to make Snape some glorified hero who only has Harry's best interest in mind or some shit, but something that takes into account his intense hatred of James, and the possibility that his feelings for Lily was more obsession than love.

Anyways. Back to the nextgendarkfest fic.

harry potter, fandom, nextgendarkfest, random, job

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