[Writing] The Hakkan

Feb 25, 2011 16:39

So, I finished my re-editing of The Hakkan.

As in, I finished re-reading and making notes on the hard copy. I started in red ink, which is my preference, and ended in purple because my red pen ran out of ink. >:( Now I need a new red pen.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure I got most of the major structural issues, though I'm sure I also missed many of the things I marked last time. Time away from the words changes my perspective of them; there were things I don't remember marking last time that received a big, block-lettered "WTF??" this time. (I enjoy the notes I make on my hard copies. "Y HALO THAR JOSCELIN," in reference to Brand being an angst-puppet in one scene, for instance.)

Now I need to go through and start actually rewriting. Which I would love to do.

Except that I think I've settled on an appropriate method to both expand the story and communicate what's going on outside Joshua's field of knowledge without being completely jarring for the reader. Only it requires brainstorming a shitload more content; it requires knowing a lot more stuff about the world both before and after the events of the novel than the rather simplistic plot before required, stuff I just don't know.

I've narrowed it down to about, oh, a million possibilities. It's one of those things where I can see the merits of each possibility, so it's difficult to decide which one works best for this story.

The good news is that I can almost frame the new story in my head, but more importantly, the process of rewriting. Remember, this is something I've been struggling with, this whole concept of writing then rewriting and possibly rewriting again. But I can finally wrap my head around it, I think, so when I've settled on... well, I guess it depends on what story I want to tell, I suppose. When I settle on what story I want to tell, I think I should be able to whack out a second draft of this thing.

This is also assuming I can do so without any distractions... sigh. TV, Internet, I so love you so, but you make being a writer with no self-control so difficult.

Also, my back hurts.

writing, the hakkan

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