[Life] Random updatey of lifey stuff

Feb 23, 2011 11:09

In this case, two things make a post.

1) I have decided that with my tax return, I am going to... well, save it. I'm going to save it, and continue to save until I have enough for a new laptop, and I've pretty much decided on a Macbook. Everyone I know who has one loves it, say they never have problems with it, and that is what I want. But I also want one with 4GB of memory instead of 2GB, which of course is more expensive, so that requires a little more savings. But! With the tax return, I am halfway there!

When I have purchased my new latop, I plan to finally get rid of the old desktop (and the old laptop, too). I have not decided yet what computer I will be using for what; I currently have them separated as a writing/work (when work = school work) computer, and the Internet/play computer. I haven't decided if I would use the new desktop as a play computer, or the new laptop. Supposedly, the Macs do not get viruses. I don't know how well I believe that, but I don't want to get a nice Mac and then just use it to play around on, you know? But the new desktop is still relatively new, and since I don't do much but play these days, it doesn't get much use. So... I'd like to use it! But I don't want to fuck it up, either.


Anyways, both the old desktop and the old laptop are really old in computer terms. Like, ancient. The old desktop was purchased back in 2002 or 2003, back when I was planning to go off to grad school and needed a computer of my own for school work, since I would be living away from home. The laptop was purchased sometimes in late 2004 or early 2005, because it was purchased not long before my first trip to MidSouth Con ever, because I remember that was part of the discussion of why I wanted a laptop, so that I could take it with me when I travelled to cons and could write when I was in the hotel room with nothing else to do.

Point being, they are both ancient, and I would like to sell them (after having them both wiped clean, of course), but I can't imagine anyone would want them except maybe for parts. Especially the laptop, considering the reason I need a new one is because the screen isn't reliable, and I've told there is no way of fixing it.

Also, once I do have a nice new laptop, I would also like to book myself a hotel room here in town for a couple of nights, take my shiny new laptop, and just write my silly little heart out. I'm still working on the edits for The Hakkan, and I'd really love the time away from any distractions to sit down and do all the major overhauling, like writing new scenes and rearranging things and rewriting what needs rewriting and you get the picture. And maybe when I get sick of looking at that, I could work on something Elatae-related, and maybe some fanfic, too.

Anyways. That is the plan.

2) My birthday! It's in April, but I'm already thinking about what I'd like to do, because last year was spectacular, and I know no year is going to live up to that, but before that I hadn't done anything for my birthday besides go to dinner with my parents and THEIR friends (WTF?) in years. So I'd really like to do something myself.

Like, you know, maybe go out to eat with my friends.

It would be perfect if everyone I know and respect and love could be there, like foxinabox/theboxedfox, reannon, aimlesstravels, saraphina_marie, valarltd, not to mention rarity and ravenne_crion, and others, too, but that's just not feasible. One of the pitfalls of an online social life, I suppose.

So I'll have to settle for the people I know and respect and love from here in town, most of whom (except you, chrisbrad!) do not have LJs. It'll be a smaller group, but it's still a group of friends, and it would still make me happy. :)

I guess that means I need to really start poking people about that week to see who is available when. :D

And that is my update for today.

family, friends, birthday, money, life

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