[School] In which I try to figure things out.

Nov 17, 2010 08:08

Okay, so, here's how things stand right now with the school issue.

I did not register for another semester at BPCC, considering they had already canceled my degree program, and despite assuring those of us who were already in it that we could finish, had already started phasing the classes out. All classes were Internet-based only, even those that should have been lecture in a classroom, and even those that worked well as online classes really should have had more in-person support. The people "teaching" the classes were not well-prepared for questions, or to offer non-traditional in-person support--it's great, guy, that you can be at McAllister's every Saturday, but what about your students who work on weekends?

I tried to transfer to another university for a similar program, however the head of the department appears to be an asshole. I emailed him with a CC to his secretary, and never heard back from either of them. Then I called his office and actually got him on the phone, and he make an appointment to meet with me... on a Monday that turned out to be a holiday, and the building was closed. I called to leave a message on his machine that actually went to his secretary's voicemail, and once again, never heard anything back. So. At that point, I tried to figure out why I would want to study a subject in a department that's run by the guy who won't return emails or voicemails, and makes appointments to meet with potential students on days when he won't be available and the building will be locked. I can't think of a reason, really, so since then it's been trying to figure out what to do instead, if anything, and facing my parents and everyone else basically accusing me of giving up.

Well, a few days ago, for some reason, I ended up on the Juilliard website.

So, now I'm considering the possibility of studying theatre instead, and my brain is telling me "Wow, great, go and study for the only degree more useless than the English degree you already have." I understand that's not always or technically true, it's just that I've been raised in an environment where a useful degree is one that gets you a "real" job. An English degree would have been fine if I wanted to teach, but I don't, so....

And my brain is also telling me that this whole idea of getting a B.F.A. in Speech - Theatre from LSUS and then perhaps somehow getting into Juilliard despite my age is a monumentally stupid idea, stupid dream to have, and even if it did happen, how would I afford it, and being the age I am would open up a whole new set of problems....

And then there's the part that's reminding me that since I work within the LSU system I would be tuition exempt, so even if it doesn't go anywhere further... well... why not?

If I were to do this, I'd really need to discuss things over with the head of the department, and oh dear gods I hope I have better luck with this one. I mean, there's all sort of concerns, and it's telling, I suppose, that the biggest once for me seems to be my age. I'm not sure how many other non-traditional--if any--student there are in that program, and I'm sure it would be just as weird for the other students as for me to be working on productions with someone in such a different age range. And then there's the fact that I do work full time, and the program would require being deeply involved in several productions as either a performer or stage crew, which would be extremely time-consuming.

I just don't know.... Sigh.

deep thinky thoughts, school, life

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