Oct 01, 2010 17:02

Okay. So. I continue to be obsessed with Inception and yes I'm still sort of writing fanfic for it, but I'm also starting to think about TTTWNSW again which is good and look. You are not allowed to judge me because I did not stay on schedule because Inception is awesome and nevermind that I think I'd actually fallen off the schedule before I saw the movie.

Anyways, the point of this post--which is really no point at all, when you think about it--is to publicly wonder why I insist on scattering my notes over gods know how many notebooks.

Because see, I like notebooks. A lot. I have many of them. And I have a tendency to switch out notebooks before I ever fill one up, so I've got a bunch-a-bunch of notes about TTTWNSW and the world and religions and the ever-shifting plot but they're written in about eleventy billion different notebooks, some of which are in one of my thee bookcases, some of which are packed away with all the books and notebooks that won't fit on my three no wait four bookcases (I have a lot of books okay?), some of which are at the office and at least one of which is in my car.

I think I probably don't write these things down so I can find them again later. Because I seem to be defeating that purpose every time I do it.

Perhaps writing them down just helps cement them and make them mine? I don't know. All I know is that I apparently don't expect to be able to look in a certain notebook and remind myself oh just what was it Shemzai was supposed to do in reaction to that? Or did I decide what Llyr's malfunction was going to be? What country was Kiernan originally from again (for the curious, that would be Eras, if I'm not mistaken, which is possible considering the pocket notebook I wrote that tidbit in has, on more than one occasion, vanished completely)?

Anyways. I'm done. Back to 20 Master Plots and How to Build Them (which is the reason I'm thinking about this and writing this post) for me.

kiernan, that thing that will not stay written, shemzai, writing

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