What was the last thing you wrote? Chapter 17 of my Inuyasha fanfic, Ames Qui Dorment.
Was it any good? Not as good as it could have been, but I needed to write it.
What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have? Notebooks of angry teen poetry, and young-adult poetry. Mostly aimed at my long-since ex-fiancee.
Write poetry? Why yes. Less than I used to.
Angsty poetry? Angsty poetry? From a teen/young adult? NEVER.
Favourite genre of writing? Fantasy.
Most fun character you ever wrote? Joshua in The Hakkan, mostly because he started out with such a different worldview from my own, and it was fun to see where that lead him.
Most annoying character you ever wrote? Asten or Fenallyn from the "Savage Beast" stories. As
cymonie has made sure to tell me, they sort of switch places. ^_^
How often do you get writer's block? I basically live in a state of writer's block.
How do you fix it? Uuuuh. Intense bouts of writing crap between periods of pretending writing doesn't exist.
Write fan fiction? Of course! Not as much as I used to, but I'm getting back into it. I used to write multi-chapters, but these days I'm only trying to finish up some multis, and write one-shots for pleasure.
Do you type or write by hand? Mostly type when I'm actually writing, but all my notes are handwritten.
Do you save everything you write? Yup. Even the old stuff in notebooks. I have a crapton of notebooks.
Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it? Yup. I've some old ideas kicking around, and every once in a while I'll go back to it and rearrange it from the persepective of an older me.
What's your favourite thing that you've written? Can I say The Hakkan simply because I finished the first draft? I mean, that's one reason. But I also feel like Joshua's internal journey is the most realistic I've written to date, and I really love him and the story.
What's everyone else's favourite thing that you've written? Well, now I couldn't say, but people used to love my anime Sailormoon/Gundam Wing crossover fanfic Broken Wing. I don't know why because it's really crappy writing (great story, cool premise, I think that even now, but really bad writing).
What's your favourite setting for your characters? Some secondary fantasy world. I very rarely set things on Earth, and when I do, it's usually in an apocalyptic future. :D
What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will? Mystery.
How many writing projects are you working on right now? Uuuuuum, let's see, there's fics for at least two fests (and possibly a third BECAUSE SOMEONE COUGH
kellychamblissCOUGH IS TEMPTING ME). There's an ongoing list of R/D fics for the lovely
icanhaspancake. There's finishing up Mended Wing and Ames Qui Dorment. As for original writing, I WILL FINISH TTTWNSW EVENTUALLY. I have to do the rewrite on The Hakkan. And there's a shitton of ideas I have that I just haven't been able to work into something more than ideas.
Do you want to write for a living? Yes!
Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper? No. :(
Have you ever won an award for your writing? Yes!
Ever written something in script or play format? Eeer... yes. But don't ask. That was in middle school.
What are your five favourite words? I have never thought about this before. Five words I use a lot--not necessarily in writing--are: indeed, entirely, shit, fucking, hell. I... might have a potty mouth. Fingers.
What character that you've written most resembles yourself? Back when I was going though what I went through with me ex-fiancee, I wrote a small collection of short stories that were my way of dealing with what was happening in my life. The main character was essentially me, her name was very similar, and these stories will never, ever see the light of day. EVER.
Where do you get ideas for your other characters? Usually the character is decided by circumstances and plot neeeds. This is my premise, this is how I want the character to react to the situation, and the rest comes from there. Sometimes I've thought "I need a character like this on general principle because it would be awesome," and the rest then comes from that instead.
Do you ever write based on your dreams? Occasionally, but not often, and usually very different from what actually happened in the dream. There was a story element in the original draft of The Hakkan that came from a dream, but didn't make it into the finished first draft. I think I'll have to find a way to fit it back in, though, because it was awesome and the story needs more action.
Do you favour happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers? I actually don't have a preference. It depends on the story, the characters, and the plot needs. Some stories need a happy ending more than they need tragedy. The Hakkan ended with a far more bittersweet ending than I originall planned, and it works so well for the story. Cliff-hangers are all right for chapter endings, or if the book is one in a series, but even I'm not evil enough to do that when I don't plan to write more. And I'm pretty damn evil when it comes to writing.
Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write? Notsomuch spelling and grammar, but flow and sentence structure. Word choice. That sort of thing.
Does music help you write? Not really. I've been inspired by songs before, and I like finding songs that match my character's personalities, but music is not a main source of inspiration, and I absolutely cannot listen to music while I write. I'm incapable of NOT singing along, and I don't own any instrumentals (other than "Ride of the Valkyries" which is in my opinion a must have).
Quote something you've written. The first thing to pop into your mind. The thing I really want to quote, I can't, because it's for an upcoming fest. ^_^ Heeee. So I'll go with this: "Beauty can be an amorphous thing, shifting meaning from person to person."