[Fandom] I need more anime-related icons now....

Mar 01, 2010 09:03

So, I checked the files for the next chapters of both Ames Qui Dorment and Mended Wing.

Holy shit, I wrote about five pages of chapter sixteen of MW at some point! I don't remember writing it at all and I had actually been forming a new image in my mind of what would be a great chapter opener. But I already have a chapter opener. But I think my new idea is better so I might just have to rewrite that opening.

AQD... eh, not so great. I have maybe a page of chapter... seventeen, I believe. ::checks:: Yup. Seventeen. The opening there is my second attempt at an opening, because the first didn't work. The reason I'm suck on that is because I'm trying to figure out exactly what Mineko's reaction will be in the daylight to what happened the previous night between her and Inuken. I think I know, now. Her reaction in the original opening was completely out of character for her, and I have no idea way I even tried it other than it was an example of me being unconsciously sexist. I think I wanted to try to make Mineko seem more vulnerable (thus feminine!) than she's come across until this point, but Mineko's vulnerability isn't going to be in her sexual encounters with a half-crazed half-hanyou. She's a grown, mature woman, and while the encounter was unexpected and intense, and there are things about it she feels unsure of, she's not going to fall into a blubbery heap in Aya's arms. She's going to deal.

So, now I have to figure out what's going to be happening with Miroku and Sango, and whether or not they'll be meeting up with Inuken and co. again. Because that's the main plot snag I've hit, that keeps the actual plot from moving forward. Having Miroku and Sango taken by Akseh and the Lord's minions was supposed to fix the plot issues, but it didn't. This may be a case of me having to drop a plot point I'd very much wanted to see happen. :/ Damn it, I hate it when that happens.

Anyways. I need to get ready to go to the gym. Sigh. And maybe I'll have time to do some writing before I actually have to leave.


sailormoon, fandom, anime, gundam wing, inuyasha

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