[School] BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Feb 28, 2010 10:20

I just turned in my last assignment for this stupid JavaScript course! ::dances:: I still have one more test to take, but whatever, I'll have the book, and I'll probably make a B on it anyway like I have all the other tests (but only because I have the book, without the book I'd be SOL).

So, that leaves the question of when to have the celebratory One Card Draw. I can't really do it this week because today I want to get started on chapter work for the Flash class I've been neglecting as much as the class schedule would let me, and my mom has decided we need to go shopping for clothes for my Disney trip (why? I think she wishes I were more of a girl... my mom was the only mom of a teenager EVER to tell her daughter she should wear MORE makeup). And tomorrow is a busy day with gym, lunch, bank, and possibly a trip to campus and who knows what else. So I've chosen two dates for next week when I know I'll be able to carve out some hours for the draw.

And now? It's up to you guys!

Poll When should I have my One Card Draw?

Thanks in advance!

one card draw, tarot, idiocy, school

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