[Sims] Long time no update.

Feb 21, 2010 20:03

So this morning I only wanted to see if I could get ACR to work (which is a big NO, btw), and suddenly it's 7:30pm and I've been playing Sims ALL DAMN DAY. X.x

I did not play the Black family, though they've had a buttload of kids: Dora (Nymphadora), Meda (Andromeda), Regulus, Liam, and the youngest is Rita. Dora, Meda and Regulus have been lost to college, because I didn't realize that if you left University before they graduated, you can't get them back. >.< Which is STUPID, in my opinion, but there you go. The Blacks live in Strangetown, and my master plan was to have one of the people the girls knew before ask them to move in so I could get them back as playables. CRAZINESS ABOUNDED when it turned out that Meda and the really old chick who comes with Strangetown had THREE BOLTS of chemistry. WHAT??? Olive, I think her name was. Notice: WAS. Because RIGHT as she was about to ask Meda to move in with her, she DIED. ALL OF THAT FOR NOTHING. And all subsequent attempts to have someone fall in love with one of the Black girls has failed. I wish parents could ask their kids to move back in with them.

Ahem: The Potters and the Weasleys live in Pleasantville. Also, the last survivor of my second attempt at the Asylum challenge, who keeps showing up and becoming friends with EVERYONE. Her name, appropriately, is One. She was my playable.

ANYWAYS. I started out with the Weasleys: Arthur, Molly, their son Bill, and HIS son Ronald. Don't ask how that got all mixed up, I don't even remember. Anyways, Arthur and Molly both suffered unfortunate accidents when the ladder on their pool mysteriously vanished. >.> No one knows why. They left Bill and Ron to fend for themselves.

Meanwhile, James and Lily Potter had three kids: Harry, Hermione, and Peter. Harry has moved out and married a nice redheaded fireman named Mitch (who actually isn't a fireman, he just dressed like one. O.o). I haven't played them much. They live in a little house in Pleasantville, showing up in random commercial lots and waiting for me to care about them.

Then Lily died! D: I think she starved to death. James was unable to save her, and at the time Peter was just a baby. Luckily James had Hermione to help him with Peter until the boy grew up. And eventually, he brought home from work a pretty blonde named Marisa, and they have two bolts and now they have a baby girl named Fontine (I got tired of trying to stick with the HP naming theme, and Marisa isn't an HP character, so her daughter gets a non-HP name). I'm getting really tired of all the black-haired, brown-eyed people, though... not only do all of James' kids have his coloring, but Sirius and Parvati both have black hair and brown eyes so all THEIR kids have black hair and brown eyes. X.x I've changed Fontine to have light brown hair, and I'll probably make her blonde later... I think she has Marisa's eyes, though.

Anyways, Peter grew up to a teenager, and he's the one who's mainly taken care of Fontine. ^_^ He taught her to walk and talk and did most of her potty training. He changes and feeds her autonomously. It's so cute!

As teenagers, Ron Weasley and Hermione Potter were a cute couple, but I played Ron until adulthood without sending him to college, and after that their romance cooled a little due to her still being a teenager. I fast-forwarded Hermione through most of college, because I was determined to NOT lose her... but she got harder to control and keep happy and keep on track, and she was put on academic probation at the end of her junior year and I got sick of it and made her drop out. (She invited Ron over a couple of times, though, and their romance was rekindled with her being a young adult. :D) Back at home, she asked Ron to move in with her, and not long after he proposed. :D At that point, it was time for the young couple to strike out on their own, and now Ron and Hermione have their own little house, with a little bit of remodeling. No kids yet, neither of them are family Sims. Hermione is, appropriately, a Knowledge sim with a LTW to be a Mad Scientist. She's in the science career track, of course. And Ron, also appropriately, is a Grilled Cheese Sim. :D :D :D

Also, James is an elder. He will probably die long before Marisa even gets old because he was only like three days away from elder when they married, and Marisa had just become an adult. And he's a Popularity Sim, which I SUCK at playing, so he will SO not get his LTW before he dies. ^_^*

I think I will eventually have Harry and Mitch adopt, and have them carry on the Potter name. After all, Ron and Hermione's kids will be Weasleys. If they have any. I dunno, on one hand, they don't want kids, but on the other, it'd be a shame to miss how cute their kids would be! But either way, Peter's too perfect boring (XD). We'll see how Fontine turns out, I guess.


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