[Fandom] At long last... Kushiel's Mercy

Jun 18, 2008 18:31

Yeah, yeah, I know, took me long enough. Hey, I got around to it. ;o) After making some more iconses.

Okay. Well, I still don't like the Imriel/Sidonie relationship, but it was more tolerable in this book than in Justice. I don't know why yet. Don't ask me. Hell, it's taken me about four years to figure out I adore Joscelin, so it may be a while yet before I can voice exactly why Imriel and Sidonie don't bug me quite as much in Mercy.

Despite the fact that we never saw it "on screen," as it were, I am a total Leander/Sunjata fangirl. I wants more of this. Somehow. I want the real Leander and Sunjata to fall madly in love. But then, I never was one for just fuck buddies.

I have issues with the whole spell that affects the entire city, but not as much as some people, and I'm willing to suspend disbelief, and on the whole the plot did not disappoint me. When I thought what the plot of Mercy would be, I totally called the whole "Ysandre making Imriel bringing Melisande in for justice in order to marry Sidonie with the Crown's blessing" part, but did not in a million years expect the whole "Carthaginians cast massive spell on the City of Elua and Sidonie goes off and marries someone else under a spell" part. I'm always a fan of a plot that hits me out of no where and makes sense. And for the most part, it does make sense. Anything I have issue with can be explained, so I'm cool.

Some people have issue with all the magic in the Imriel books, and to that I say "What, like dreams and god-touched courtesans and eight-hundred year old men with power over the sea and dark gods and the Name of God isn't magic?" Pft. The Phedre books are chock full of magic. Granted, most of it is more subtle (not counting the Master of the Straights and the Name of God), but there's magic all over Phedre's books. Hell, the D'Angelines themselves could be considered pure magic, seeing as they are directly descended from angels. Anael's scions smell like apples! That's inherent magic right there.

Okay, I'm talking about Mercy. But, really, that's all I have to say. Plot was good, enjoyed it. Pairing still irks me, but I can deal with it. Want more Leander/Sunjata.

And oh yeah, I adore Joscelin. Imriel's books just make it even more obvious how wise and mellow Joscelin's gotten with age, and I love it. I especially love that he can be so wise and mellow and still kick major ass.

I am totally writing Joscelin fic. I found out that Carey doesn't officially endorse fanfiction, but favors a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. :D So I can write that Joscelin introspective piece I've been wanting to write forever.

Yeah. o.o That's it. I'm done. Sorry, I guess the book really didn't leave that much of an impression on me, in the end. Rereading Phedre's books has left more of an impression on me, actually (JOSCELIN, YOU MORON, IN THIS BOOK I FORGET WHY I LOVE YOU SO).

fandom, kushiel

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