Oct 24, 2009 07:08

hp_darkfest fic is turned in. Yaaaaay!

hp_darkfest fic is crying out for a sequel. NO. At least, NOT YET.

3) I now have idea for another fic that would be cute and short and I could probably write in in the next week before NaNo starts... NO. NO NO NO. BRAIN, JUST STOP IT, OKAY? I mean, I know the other fic was daaaaark and depressing and the sequel would be too and the fic you wrote before that was mostly depressing, and the NaNo project is not likely to be a barrel of monkeys and you probably need some happy fluff tossed into the mix (SINCE WHEN??), but no. NOT RIGHT NOW.

4) I am taking this week and not writing a damn thing. I will need the break, because NaNo will probably fry my writing circuits for a while.

5) Speaking of NaNo, TTTWNSW has always been a large book in my head, so I suspect it will actually turn out to be around 100,000 words, if not more. I am not so crazy just yet as to attempt 100,000 words in 30 days, so I will only be pushing myself to complete half in November. 50,000 for November, that's it.

6) Which leads me to the fact that I might actually mostly disappear from online life for the rest of the year. Because I will want to push myself to keep writing, because damn it it's about time I finished a first draft of this stupid thing. So... I'm going to keep going through December to try to finish TTTWNSW. I also think it's past time I buckle down and prioritize. I want to write? Then I need to write, not sit on the computer for 13 hours a day just chatting and emailing and surfing the internet (er, though, I might keeping emailing... >.> I'M AN ADDICT, OKAY?).

7) I have no idea when The Hakkan will be edited. Though I'd like to get it done, there's really no rush to have it publish-worthy any time soon.

8) Absolutely random bit of random: in my break time, of which I will not allow myself much or for it to consume my day, I think I want to try my hand at Kingdom Hearts II again. I really couldn't care less about Chain of Memories, it's so weird and really very sucky that I just can't make myself care about finishing it, at least not right now. KH2 has it's own weirdnesses, and I don't like it as much as the first game, but at least it's not terrible (AND DAMN IT I WANT TO BE ABLE TO PLAY 358/2 DAYS AND BIRTH BY SLEEP ON MY PS2 I DON'T OWN A PSP YOU DICKHEADS... THOUGH MY MOM HAS A DSi, I BELIEVE. >.>).

harry potter, that thing that will not stay written, writing, kingdom hearts, hp_darkfest

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