[Sims] Moar Sims

Aug 29, 2009 14:10

Okay, promised Sims update:

James and Lily had their baby, but I forgot to save just before so I could cheat, thus they have a little girl. Damn it. Just to be snotty, I named her Petunia. If I could make Sims really actually fat, I'd create some Dursleys just because.

I've bought and installed the University expansion pack, whoooo so I plan to send Poe and Kael off to college next time I play (which might be a while because, uh, new computer and school work and stuff). Poe will actually study, but Kael is a romance Sim, so he'll just want to get laid a lot, and I plan to help him achieve this goal.

Sirius and Parvati's two girls should be approaching teenagerhood. I hope. And when they do, they'll go off to college and I'm hoping to pair one of them up with Poe. Maybe Nymphadora, because she's the good one. Andromeda was neglected as a toddler, and grew up bad, so she's likely to be just as bad in teenagerhood. I've tried to up her meter lately, but it's done no good.

And, uh, visit with the Headmaster didn't go so well. >.> Mebbe will try again with Regulus. If only the damn maid would actually clean the whole damn house!

Also, I started working on building a new house on a new lot, specifically for Sirius and Parvati. The plan is to have plenty of room for their growing household, because they both have wants of having ten kids, and LTWs of marrying six of those kids off. So they need a house with enough room for all those kids, and all the cool stuff that will keep them and their kids happy. It has three stories so far, and I've actually diverged from my preferences a little by having all the bedrooms on the second floor, not just the kids... but the bottom floor is for a huge ass kitchen and dining room, a study, and living room (and a bathroom). So Sirius and Parvati (who is actually pregnant again already, I think... it's either her or Lily, I can't really remember right now) will have to share their room with a/the new baby(ies?), while the other kids have separate bedrooms and a playroom for their toys. I haven't entirely decided what the third floor will be, yet, but I'm thinking that's the grown-ass people's playroom, and where the musical instruments and workout stuff will go. And, if I need to, it can always be turned into more bedrooms later.

I haven't yet gone back to the Grindelwalds, because they're turning out to be a bitch to keep up with, and there's only three of them! But Gellert and Albus are constantly in some sort of desperation. Though, I do want Aberforth to grow up soon so mebbe he can be paired with whichever of the Black twins who doesn't end up with Poe. >.> Hopefully.

Also, I plan to go into each lot and expand the hell out of all of them. Some of those homes are distressingly tiny.

I don't know when I'll play next, but there's your update for now!


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