The end of Jen-drawing? (well, most of it)

Apr 21, 2008 12:26

Finished Crisis Core with
dormando last night, and though such rare periods of complete fangirl squeeing and swooning have always given way to fan art in the past, I've been drawing an inspirational blank ever since the first Sephy FMV when it should have happened.  Time is not really the issue - although I've had much less of it to draw since starting work full time, I can still make time for the things I really want to do.

One of my reasons for drawing in the past was because I wanted to see the characters in more detail than the x-bit 2-dimensional representations they were given at the time.  Since rendering/gfx has now advanced to where it rivals any kind of illustration, that reason for drawing is out of the picture.  But it doesn't negate my other reason for drawing, which was the freedom to select subjects/settings, especially those not depicted in official media.  Even so, I can't seem to come up with any that I'd want to illustrate anymore.  Am I just growing out of / getting too old for this stuff?  I've seen a lot of TAC&friends grow out of fan art into original art, but I have even less inspiration for the latter, which kind of means total absence of drawing.  ;\

I knew it would happen eventually, given my career goals, but I didn't think I'd lose it within 2 years of starting work.  Don't know if it's something that I should try to get back either, but at the moment it doesn't feel right - like something should be happening that's not happening anymore.  Work and life have been cruising pretty normally, so I doubt it's a result of anything obviously bad. 
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